Not Just Hemingway

Michele Hutchison



Michele Hutchison was born in the UK and has lived in Amsterdam since 2004. She was educated at UEA, Cambridge, and Lyon universities. She translates literary fiction and nonfiction, poetry, graphic novels, and children’s books. Recent translations include novels by Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer, Esther Gerritsen, Sander Kollaard and Tom Lanoye, plus The American Princess by Annejet van der Zijl. She is also co-author of the successful parenting book The Happiest Kids in the World. (Nijgh & van Ditmar) We discuss “Olive” - by Helga Ruebsamen - a “period piece”, painting a picture of The Hague in an era gone by. The story can be found in the Penguin book of Dutch short stories. We also cover same sex relationship and the unreliable narrator. More short stories by Helga Ruebsamen (in Dutch). • Olijfje en andere verhalen (1989) • Jonge liefde en oud zeer : de verhalen (deel 1, 2001) • Jonge liefde en oud zeer : de verhalen (deel 2, 2001) • Zoet en zondig : de mooiste verhalen uit Indonesië (2003)