Nugatory Quest

NQX – The Unfortunate Life of Brady



The harsh rays of the sun beat down upon your exposed neck. Toiling away in these terrible conditions, you reflect back upon the cruel twists of fate that led to your current lot in life. Your hands crack and blister as you work the hard ground – never forgetting the day you sold yourself into servitude to pay for your mother’s medical bills. Some nights, when the irradiated insects haven’t crawled under your skin, you still dream of one day working off your debts and leaving this place. But for now, you work. Day in; day out. Hoping – praying - you last long enough to see her one last time.   You are Brady.  This is 1998. Welcome to your life.   Course Materials: Amazon Hotel, The Good Nazi, Daniel Day Kim, Hitler v. Einstein, Backwards Chair, Jon Hamm’s Hair