Nugatory Quest

NQ 15: Sweet Valley Henday



Episode 15 Sweet Valley Henday   Twin girls, identical in every way—yet they couldn’t be more different. Anthony Henday is used to getting what she wants—at the trading post, with her friends, and especially with bison—and she’ll stop at nothing to get it. Alexander Mackenzie is used to letting her twin sister have her way. There’s not much that’s worth fighting her over—lost sextants can be replaced, petty problems can be resolved, and rampant rumors can be doused like a bison tumbling over a cliff. But when it comes to being the first European to see a buffalo, Alexander isn’t so sure she should step aside and make way for Anthony. This time, Anthony Henday is going to have some competition—from her own sister.   Welcome to Sweet Valley Henday—a world of good explorers and bad bison, hot boys with fast canoes, coon-skin caps and natural highlights…all under the Northwest Territories Sun. Course Materials: Norwegian Cookies, Top of the Sock, Tourtiere, Skeuomorphism, The Ever-Widening Crack, Tan Tan Tivvy T