Nugatory Quest

NQ 20: Shallow Pool of Knowledge



There comes a time in everyone's life that you just have to acknowledge that you don't know all the answers. It is a moment of startling clarity and maturity; a time when you let go and admit that your knowledge of the world around you is just not up to snuff. Presented for you, the listener, this twentieth episode of Nugatory Quest crystallizes these feelings into any easily digestible paste that you may slather on your ears. Watch as your hosts don't know anything about Saudi Arabia, license plates, Seals, fictional comic strip towns, penguins or Ghost.   Sometimes, it may even seem like they can't even grasp even the basic knowledge of the English language. This is not an act. It is merely a lesson to all those who will listen: not everyone knows everything. And we can prove it.  Course Materials: United Arabian Emirates, Crazy Juicy Bees, Nazi Seals, Terwillegar, Ling Ling, Chest-Double