Nugatory Quest

NQ 22: Earl of Stair



Though largely remembered for his role in the Glencoe Massacre, Lord John Dalrymple is perhaps best known for the invention of the stair, a title which he adopted as an honourific for his house. Lauded by all those in his employ, people clamoured from many miles to view the stair and the promises of the bold future it promised of human life balanced 17 inches off the ground. While some naysayers derided the wonderful invention as "more of a step" or "bump in the ground", the Earl of Stair would not be dissuaded from the contracting of a new stair to be installed in every home in his kingdom. This wonderful invention would later provide the inspiration to several copycat inventors, who decided that aligning several, subsequently taller stairs might lead to more useful endeavours. John Dalrymple resigned his post and died in shame.  Course Materials: Fjord of the Rings, Barry Freakin' Manilow, U-Gigli, Gojiraaa, Handyman Superhero, Captain Patel O'Malley