Nugatory Quest

NQ 23: The Sisterhood of the Time-Traveling Pants



Based on the best-selling novel about a special eon in the lives of four chronologically disparate friends separated by the recesses and fragments of time and space, this coming of age tale is sure to delight the whole family. On a trip to the Neo-Mall/thrift store/grand bazaar/tar pit, the young women find a pair of time-dilating jeans that fit each of them perfectly. They decide to use these pants as a way of keeping in touch over the vast centuries ahead and behind, each wearing the jeans for a week to see what luck they bring before the pants travel to another time or the girl dies plague related complications. Though ages apart, the four friends still experience life, love and the scourge of confusing dancing robots in a multiverse they'll never forget.  Course Materials: Mordecai the Falcon, Margary Cool Ridge, Bobberam, Princessy Correct, Inter-Stellar Bottle Depot, Crappy Dice, MAD MEN ADDICTION CHAT.