Nugatory Quest

NQ 33: The Tale of Pisseus



The night grows deep and the shadows stretch out from our forms huddled around the fire. The night is deep, cold and full of unknown horrors and terror. The group is tired, depleted from many weeks of constant travel. No one speaks a word, they are too weak to contemplate the effort. The old man has seen such struggles before. It is not his first reluctant sojourn. With a heave of his tired bones, he shifts towards the fire - calling attention to the rest of the people bundled up in their blankets. 'Lend me your ears, children, for I know you cannot offer more. Lend me your imagination and I will tell you a tale. A tale of wonder and enchantment. A tale of mystery and of danger. A tale which we all sorely need to hear.' The dejected eyes rose to meet those of the old man. The fire reflected back in his dark eyes; sparks in the night. 'This is the tale of Pisseus.' The night goes on. The people listen. 'It begins with a golden shower.' Course Materials:  1. Arslaughter 2. Scottish Bar Mitzvah 3. Double Billi