Nugatory Quest

NQ 35: James Cook is a Jerk



Ah, a good morn to you Michael!  Good mornin' cap'n! Wos the weather be lookin' like today? Fresh and prosperous, my dear chap! Are you ready to let loose the sails and explore this vast new land before us? Cor blimey I am, sir! Yeh want I should get yer maps out for yeh? Yes, yes, my dear friend but wait one moment. I could use your help in deciding what to call this peculiar spot we happened upon yesterday. Wha, this one 'ere? Yes, indeed. What does that pond look like to you?  Well, uh, cap'n, I know wha it looks like to ME but...I shouldna say in polite public. 'Tisn't right. Oh but my dear Mr. Lane. That is where you are very wrong. Very wrong, indeed.  Course Materials: 1. Vibrator Creek 2. Embarassing 3. Porsha 4. CanCon 5. Yippies 6. Lullababy