Nugatory Quest

NQ 44: Surviving Trump



Alright, Danny we have to talk about what you did to my gorgeous, gold-encrusted French imported bidet. This is the best bidet in New York City. Danny, I know you can't appreciate how great this bidet is. This is the best bidet I've ever owned and the best bidet you'll ever see with your small, non-tan-lined eyes. Last year, the makers of this bidet did a quarter million dollars in sales and this year, they'll almost do the same. It's a great business and great bidet. I think you're really going to love it. So stop using it to take revenge poops in or you're fired. COURSE MATERIALS: 1. Theory Themed 2. Destany 3. Fugio Cent 4. The Sads 5. The Revenge 6. Souvenir Hunters