Nugatory Quest

NQ 52: Ol' Pert



I reckon by now all y'all will have heard the news: Ol' Pert is pickin' up sticks and taking his skills to the Old World. I'll miss y'all somethin' fierce but them sweet jezebels over there need my particular skills. Naw don't you go blubbering all over these here parts; I'll still live on in yer hearts and on yer heads. My time spent these last fifty summers with y'all have been a blessing and I'm lookin' to bestow that blessing on each and every one of you souls I've had the pleasure of meetin'. I say, I do declare that my time here was well spent and will see y'all again on another turn on this wheel, lord willin'. -Excerpt from the last known public speech by local hairdressing legend Pert (Last Name Unknown), May 16, 1949, Atlanta, GA   COURSE MATERIALS: 1. Philanthrofist2. Wipes3. Large Salt Thing City Winter Olympics4. Geometric Sperm5. Pixel 'Stache6. Latin