Nugatory Quest

NQ 54: With Apologies



We here at Nugatory Quest would like to apologize for totally bumming you out with this episode. It doesn't seem like something we should be capable of doing but, well, sometimes things happen. What looks to be a wacky trivia question might just turn out to be the most depressing thing you've read in a while. That said, we've kept the conversation largely unedited because it actually contains a few facts that, while rough, are pretty important. So again, sorry about this and please know that any laughter during that section is merely shock and not because we're the worst people. We'll get back to the japes next time!    For more information on these topics, please visit:   COURSE MATERIALS 1. Tiny Tuba Taylor 2. Hooter! 3. Bachelor President 4. Travelling Walkmen 5. Dorito Blue Jays 6. Mr. Bat Man