My Other Buddy Devin

Episode 17: Party Animal Wrangler, Lucas Dart



FEATURING PARTY ANIMAL WRANGLER, LUCAS DART! We sat down for a minute and talk about partying (I think?) then DH had to go take a phone call or something. Sucks for him, because like 5 minutes later, this GIGANTIC Australian dude named Lucas Dart BURST into the room and started SCREAMING about dragging dudes out of parties by their collars. It was honestly one of the most badass things I'd ever heard in my entire life. He is a real world Rager Referee, straight-up throwing flags and issuing yellow cards for party fouls. In this scenario, "throwing flags" and "issuing yellow cards" both mean "throwing assh*le wasted dudes in his truck and taking them out to the wilderness to put a good distance between them and the party." Nothing weird, though. Just a genuine, good dude trying to carve out a living in this crazy world. Also, this dude was enormous. Like literally the size of a tree. So f*cking badass. LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE YEAHDEED.COM