Food As Medicine With Dr. Anh

From Incurable to Invincible: Overcoming Chronic Pain and Disease



Welcome! My guest today is Marcie Peters, a holistic nutritionist and featured speaker. She is the best-selling author of You Are Not Broken: From Incurable to Invincible, to be released later this week. Marcie is a graduate of the University of Washington and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She founded The Health and Happiness Guide and the Transform Your Health World Summit. Join me as we hear Marcie’s story! Marcie shares the following about her life and work: In her early 20’s, Marcie began struggling with chronic health issues that began with flu-like symptoms. She was given no answers except for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome and was told to manage her incurable symptoms with medications. Besides crippling fatigue, Marcie experienced body pain, digestive distress, cognitive dysfunction, migraines, weight gain, joint pain, and insomnia. Marcie began a 16-year journey with many ups and downs, but she finally found answers and changed her life! Her mission today is to help others bypas