The Dr. Mike Show

7 Nutrition Facts I No Longer Believe Pt 1



  Whether you’ve just started taking your health and fitness journey more seriously or you’ve been working out and eating right for decades - there’s always something new to learn and explore in the health and wellness industry. As technology and science continue to improve, some of the old “best practices” are no longer relevant - and some are simply incorrect.   On today’s episode, I’m discussing two of the top seven nutrition facts I no longer believe regarding pre-workout supplements and carbohydrate-restricted diets. I share my experience with pre-workout supplements, the research behind some of the most popular supplements, and what I currently use as part of my pre-workout supplement routine to maximize my performance. I also discuss why some diets that restrict carbohydrates - such as the ketogenic diet - may work for some individuals but not work for others as well as why we should not consider older health and nutrition research studies as invalid or less important than newer research.       “Just b