The Dr. Mike Show

7 Nutrition Facts I No Longer Believe Pt 2



  In part 1 of this series, I discussed how my views changed regarding pre-workouts and low-carb diets. I shared the importance of looking back on “old” studies and why I’m not quick to discard research just because something newer came along. I also described some of the supplements I currently take every day and explained why some diets don’t work.   On today’s episode, I’m discussing the remaining nutrition facts I no longer believe. I explain the concept of proteins and what makes BCAAs different. I share my thoughts on the “No calorie” label on foods and why it’s not actually calorie-free and discuss post-exercise carbs and my perspective on the post-exercise window. I discuss the importance of sleep and why it can often be the most vital part of improving your fitness and review the facts around steady state cardio and how it relates to High-Intensity Interval Training. I also elaborate on the science around fasting for weight loss and why it’s not ideal.     “You can eat in a variety of ways, but you c