Cbt Radio

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder



This episode is relevant to consumers. In this episode, R. Trent Codd, III, Ed.S., LPC, LCAS interviews Dr. Jonathan Abramowitz about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Topics discussed include: What Obsessive-Compulsive Disoder (OCD) is  Common presentations of OCD including common obsessional categories – it doesn’t always involve fear of germs and hand washing!  Treatments available for OCD and their relative effectiveness  What Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) entails - it’s not as bad as it sounds!  Resources for OCD patients and their families  And more!  DR. ABRAMOWITZ BIOGRAPHY Dr. Abramowitz joined the Clinical Psychology faculty at UNC-Chapel Hill in 2006. He is currently Professor and Associate Chair of Psychology, as well as Director of the UNC  Anxiety and Stress Disorders Clinic. His previous positions include Associate Professor at the Mayo Clinic and Mayo School of Medicine, and Instructor at the University of Pennsylvania. His research interests focus on anxiety disorders (mainly obsessiv