Libsyn Live (audio)

Episode 4: Working with FTP



In Libsyn Live #4, Krystal and Elsie take questions from social media and live via Google Hangouts and roll through them with live walk throughs and other shenanigans.   Question #1: When will the (Libsyn 3 --> 4 transition assistant) officially go away? Question #2: How do I reissue an old episode as a new, 'Best Of' type episode? Question #3: Are there any tips for mobile podcasting? Discussion: What is FTP? Why would you want to use FTP? How does one get started to FTP? Question #4: In regards to FTP, I have a question about using the Quickcast folder. When Quickcast pulls the description for your episode from the ID3 tags, it seems like it only pulls a certain number of characters. How many characters does it pull? The first 250?