Tarot Bytes

What to do when your family doesn't support your Tarot passion



Episode 168. Every tarot reader or enthusiast has at one time or another come across a family member who doesn’t support their tarot passion. Sometimes it’s due to ignorance while other times, there are other emotions behind the haterade such as embarrassment, fear, a lack of understanding, or it goes against their beliefs. In some cases, it’s because they’ve had a bad experience with a tarot reader or know someone who did. For example, my parents didn’t seem to care much when I was experimenting as a teenager. But once I made tarot my livelihood, they were freaked out. My mother was so embarrassed that she wouldn’t tell people what I actually did for a living. She told relatives that I worked for some corporation. Which is crazy because anyone who knows me knows that I would never do such a thing. But to her, the work was so bizarre that she couldn't admit it until years later. I’m sure she’d have a different mindset now because I’ve been doing it so long - and have a few books under my belt. Also, tarot is