Power Nine Podcast

Episode 57: Luck Sack



Rod Stewart said it best. Some guys just have all the luck. Nahiri, Arlinn Kord, Olivia, Startled Awake, Westvale Abbey, Sin Prodder, and a prerelease foil Archangel Avacyn. So much for skill. As always, if you like the show, follow us on Facebook and Twitter and if you’ve got something you want us to talk about, or if you’ve got some suggestions for the show, please let us know in the comments below. Remember to subscribe, rate and review the show on iTunes, we really would appreciate that. Alternatively, you can listen to us on YouTube. We’ve got plenty of videos so go check them out! Music by: Bensound You can find more episodes and articles on our website, PowerNinePodcast.com.