Gotham Press

What Makes a Bunner Sploosh?



We still have listeners? How can we fix this…..  Maybe if we make a Bunner Sploosh….. Hmmmmmmmm…… On todays episode, we delve into our dream cars . This will not be a habit. Could we see the end of Homer and Bart in the near future? Why the hell hasn’t Greedy seen Endgame yet? No excuses. It happens this week. Why do game companies push unproven updates before major holidays?(then leave gamers in the dark) Shame on them. How was Kinksgiving for you all? Here is what the GPP did. A Game of Thrones Christmas Party is rapidly selling out.  Dropped Pickup……     Gotham Press Podcast -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patreon/FetLife/Discord/Facebook/BDSMlr/Twitter/YouTube/Spotify/805-303-1173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Association with J & W Paddles PIERCINGS BY BEE Steel_brat_pacis   Never trust a hotel internet connection.