Gotham Press

Would you like a little vore?



Happy new year Gothamites! New year after the decade that was 2020! So we have a new giveaway starting for a flogger made by our own ThiefOfDreams! With that would normally come an entry word in the episode for Kandi... Sadly we all forgot to give one! So for those of you that pay attention to the show notes the entry word for this episode is "Forgotten". Be sure to get that into Kandi's sweet box! We talk about Wonder Woman '84 this episode with spoilers so if you want to avoid those we talk about it for about 8 minutes starting around the 30 minute mark. The documentary that Lala is talking about is Gender Revolution on Disney+. Greedy's mic starts dying later in the episode and Lala makes sure you guys know when it starts. Hope you all are having a great 2021 so far! Enjoy! Gotham Press Podcast -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patreon/FetLife/Discord/Facebook/BDSMlr/Twitter/YouTube/Spotify/Kandi's Sweet Box: 805-303-1173 --------------------------