On The Issues With Alon Ben-meir

On the Issues Episode 21: Ambassador Teuta Sahatqija



My guest for this episode is Ambassador Teuta Sahatqija. Ambassador Sahatqija ​is Consul General at the Consulate General of the Republic of Kosovo in New York​.​​​ She is a well-known political activist and a Member of Kosovo’s Parliament. She is also the President of the Cross Party Women Parliamentary Caucus and Vice President of the Parliamentary Committee on Economic Development. She was an advisor to the former President Fatmir Sejdiu​​, chairwoman of the Reformist Party ORA, and a member of the Parliamentary Committees for International Affairs and Development. She was also a Founding Member of KUSA – Kosovo US Alumni. Mrs. Sahatqija is also an electrical engineer, and she has worked as a manager of a computer center in a food production company​, ​as well as​ being​ the owner and director of a private telecommunication company in Gjakova​.​ A full transcript of the episode can be found here: http://alonben-meir.com/audio/issues-episode-21-ambassador-teuta-sahatqija/