Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

Advent 1, Part 4: Our Blessed Lord feeds the thousands



Our Lord reaches the shores of Galilee, we are told that He then went up into the hills. Whenever He goes into the hills it is to remind us that we cannot find satisfaction, or healing or indeed salvation in the low places, but rather we must ascend into the heights. And so we find all the great revelations of God are found in the Hills, Moses on mount Sinai, and on mount Tabor, the Lord Himself was transfigured - and He ascended from the mount of Olives. As before when He sat on the mount of beatitudes to teach, He now sits on this hill close to the Sea of Galilee and we are told that the multitudes came. Why do they come? Because of their infirmity, and here is Someone who can heal all of our infirmities. And St. Matthew describes some of the many infirmities that are brought to Our Lord - the lame, the cripple, the dumb and many others. In fact this describes us as well - spiritually, for the physical infirmities that we experience are but spurs for us to seek healing from the only One who can truly