Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

Every miracle of Our Lord carries with it a teaching, a message



Every miracle that Our Lord works, carries with it a teaching, a message. The difficulty is that we do not know how to interpret, and therefore how to understand the message. Immediately before this passage we heard, Our Lord had gone down to the house of the synagogue official whose daughter had just died. On the way a woman in the crowd with a haemorrhage said “if I touch the hem of his garments I will be healed.” And she did so and immediately the ailment which she suffered for twelve years disappeared. But Our Lord didn’t leave it there; he looked around and said “Who touched Me?” She only touched his clothes, but He said “Who touched Me?”. And when she came forward trembling, He said to her daughter your faith has saved you. And then going down to the house of the official, He found that the daughter was already dead. But He said, she is not dead, she is asleep. He was laughed at, but what did He do? He simple went and held her by the hand, “little girl I tell you get up.” Now there was a cr