Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

We are in the Marian Age - We live in extraordinary times



I think we all would agree that we live in extraordinary times. There is a feeling in the air of uncertainty. We sense that there is, to use the words of scripture, something menacing in the world. Our governments, whatever authorities we have that rule over us no longer seem to be their own master, it’s almost as if they are puppets. The Holy Father recently complains and warns us about fake news. How are we to know what is fake and what is not? We know we can’t trust the media. And even the social media is not reliable and there’s so much information coming from so many directions that it is confusing. As Christians and in particular as Catholics we have a firm anchor. In fact the scriptures are very clear, ‘Hold fast of that which you first receive’ that’s the bottom line. Hold fast to what you first receive, it’s in every one of the epistles; St. Paul’s letters, St. Peter’s letters, St. John, St Jude, hold fast to what you first received. Because what we have received was from Christ who is the