Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

The Holy Eucharist - Part 2



The Eucharist is a vast topic, it is essentially about God Incarnate, Christ who dwells amongst us, God who wishes to live with us. When we read St. John’s Gospel, we hear, ‘I will come to them’, ‘he who believes me, I will come to him, My Father will come to him, We will dwell with him’. This desire for God to dwell with us, is something we cannot even begin to grasp. We want to be with God, yet when we look at God’s creation, it seems to be so much more attractive. But if so much of what we see is beautiful, how much more beautiful must be He who created it. Whilst we admire, whilst we love the creation, the visible world that we see, we must remember that there’s a creator, an author and someone who has originated it and He must be much more satisfying and beautiful to us… For Fr. Linus’ complete retreat on the Holy Eucharist please listen to the Audio.