Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

Purgatory where sins are expiated



We are now in the month of November, and the Churches liturgical year is winding down to its end and soon it will be a new liturgical year. So the Church, as we come to the end of the year reminds us of the four last things, namely Death, Judgment which follows it, then Hell and Heaven. It’s important that we reflect on these things at least once a year, though ideally we should do it every day since we do not know when our last day will be. So in November, the Church reminds us of the Holy Souls, those who linger in Purgatory, where they expiate temporal punishment due to their sins. Of course it’s important that we understand the meaning of this doctrine which the Church offers for us especially as this year we recall the Protestant revolution, that the doctrine of purgatory and with it Indulgences were so brutally savaged, attacked. Also in this year 2017, a hundred years ago, Our Blessed Lady came to Fatima and reminded us of the reality of that Dogma, that teaching, namely Death, Judgement, Hell and