Managed Care Cast

Sharing Data to Provide More Precise Care for Complex Patients



The September issue of The American Journal of Managed Care® highlighted research into social determinants of health and ways to address social determnants in the health system. In a commentary, Dhruv Khullar, MD, MPP, and Rainu Kaushal, MD, MPH, both of the Weill Cornell Department of Health Policy and Research, outlined how health systems can utilize data-sharing networks to deliver targeted care to high-need, high-cost patients. In this interview, Khullar outlines the idea of precision health, challenges the industry faces when trying to share data, and what steps can be taken to implement such care. Learn more about drug prices in the United States and efforts to lower them: “Precision Health” for High-Need, High-Cost Patients: Language Barriers and LDL-C/SBP Control Among Latinos With Diabetes: