Managed Care Cast

This Week in Managed Care—Banning Gag Clauses and Other Health News



Every week, The American Journal of Managed Care® recaps the top managed care news of the week, and you can now listen to it on our podcast, Managed Care Cast. This week, the top managed care news included the Senate overwhelmingly voting to ban pharmacist gag clauses; a study found the current vaccine pipeline for HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria may fall short; an expert noted a trend of healthcare cost data seeping into nonhealthcare companies’ earnings calls. Read more about the stories in this podcast: Senate Votes 98-2 to Ban Pharmacist Gag Clauses: Launch of Highly Efficacious HIV, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Vaccines Unlikely, Study Says: When Employee Healthcare Costs Move Stocks: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Ma