Remodeling Mastery By Mark Richardson

The Four Levels Of Mastery



In this week's episode of Remodeling Mastery, Mark Richardson drills down into the core question: What is Mastery? This question of what is mastery is something that we all know what it feels and looks like when we see it, but articulating it is another matter altogether. How do you go about improving? How do you take your game to the next level? Mark Richardson offers 4 levels to achieve the highest level of mastery, coined by Vince Lombardi Jr.: Level 1 - Unconsciously incompetent: You don't know what you need to know. You are just becoming aware. Level 2 - Consciously incompetent: Don't necessarily have the mastery but you are really working on it to improve. You know how to do it but not how to do it well. Level 3 - Unconsciously competent: You can do something, but you really have to work on it. You have the added stress of having to work really hard to achieve. Level 4 - Consciously competent: You don't have to think about it. You are automatically capable of doing whatever it may be that needs to