Remodeling Mastery By Mark Richardson




Today, Mark Richardson, host of Remodeling Mastery, discusses the subject of questions. There will always be times where you don't know the answers, but the key to success lies in knowing the right questions to ask to get to those unknown, much-needed answers. The following questions are meant to help guide you as you take your business to the next level. What is your motivation? What is the business's motivation? What is the core purpose of the business? What role do you have to play in that core purpose? What do you want the business to be and feel like in 3 to 5 years from now? What would you like to see your business look like in 3 to 5 years from now? Do you really want a business or do you want a practice? This is a hot debate in the remodeling industry! As an owner, what do you love doing? Is it in line with your business? What is your exit strategy? Do you even have one?