Remodeling Mastery By Mark Richardson

Planning For 2016



This week’s episode to Remodeling Mastery by Mark Richardson is focused all on planning for 2016. Specifically, how to plan, prepare, and think about the New Year. How you plan is what distinguishes a great remodeling business from simply a good one. As we reach the end of 2015, common logic takes us to a place where we step back and think about the business as a whole. As you think about what your plan for 2016, Mark addresses 7 big themes he’s seen so far within the Remodeling industry. Theme 1 – Work on your business vs. in your business Theme 2 – If you fail to plan, plan to fail Theme 3 – Change or Become Irrelevant Theme 4 – Defining Success Theme 5 – How Fit is Your Business? Theme 6 – Aggressive but Realistic Theme 7 – Creating Alignment