Pick N' Mix: A Multimedia Thinktank

Episode 13 - Bad Hat-pisode (part 1)



In this special episode. . . WE DELVE INTO THE HAT OF SHAME. A select fateful few of the rejected topics over the past 12 episodes come back to prove themselves in this battle royale of redemption. (Calm down, it's really just these two nerds begrudgingly talking about Danny Phantom for way longer than anyone should in the year of our lord 2017) WHO WILL WIN THE CHANCE TO GO BACK INTO THE THINK TANK? Find out this week on Pick N' Mix! -------- Welcome to Pick N' Mix: A Multimedia Think Tank, where we make your crossover dreams come true! Hosted by Aria and Richard, we welcome you onto this wild ride as we try to perfect the art of crossover theory-crafting. Armed with our bottomless tank of things and stuff, we are ready to do the thing. Pick N' Mix is NSFW. Please bear with us, as this is our first time doing a podcast. Feedback is appreciated! Thanks for listening. -------- Contact: E-mail: call1800PNM@gmail.com (For questions, concerns, and suggestions) Facebook: facebook.com/PNMpodcast Soundclou