Multiple Calls Podcast

Multiple Calls - Episode 6 - Jared Newcombe



I did an Internet image search relating to the word ‘Grit’ and this was the first one that showed up. Jared can dig deeper and embrace more of the suck than the majority of us, he is comfortable with being uncomfortable, but intertwined with that unrelenting drive is the compassion and patience of a true leader and teacher. A 25 year veteran of the service, 7 as a Captain and some time spent this past year as an Acting District Chief, Jared’s work as a Firefighter has always focused on the gradual improvement of tools and equipment, skills, tactics, and strategies to achieve the mission. He has either led or been an integral member of countless committees that have produced positive fire-ground outcomes. It continues to be an honour and a pleasure to call him friend, colleague, and Brother in Arms.