Wise Women Conversations

Life Transitions



In this weeks episode of Wise Women Conversations I chat with Spiritual Teacher Anjani Amriit about life transitions. Anjani is an Ayurvedic Practitioner as well as a Spiritual Teacher and she shares the Ayurvedic philosophy around growing older. There are 3 life stages in Ayurveda - child, adult, elder and Anjani refers to this as our stages of life. While we often celebrate the first 2 stages, many of us live in fear of the final stage but this can be the best time of our life. This is the time of the Wise Woman, a time when we no longer need to be defined by other people's expectations of us. The qualities of the elder stage of life that we can embrace are creativity, communication, intuition and imagination. When you have embraced all of these qualities you are a Wise Woman. Anjani advises us to stop "yanging" our life and what she means by this is to stop living within our masculine energy of hard work and striving for success and allow our yin (feminine) energy of flow and acceptance to be a part of ou