
Break Ups: Getting Through It



Happy New Year GRUB fam! As you know, this podcast is about sharing stories with an emphasis on vulnerability. For the first episode of the new year, I interviewed my ex-girlfriend Jessica Valles on how she dealt with our break up, how her journey has changed, and how much she has grown as a result of the process. As you can imagine, this was extremely honest conversation and if you have, or are currently going through a break up, you’re bound to relate. Jess and I were together for 2 years, and as with any long term relationship, you become intertwined with one another in terms of mannerisms, feelings, and overall essence of being. As a result letting that other piece go can often be a difficult process. We spoke about how she worked through it, how I got through it, what caused it in the first place and a whole lot more. With that said, this is definitely the podcast I’m most proud of thus far. So please, sit back, relax, and enjoy this episode of The GrUBcast. P.S. Be sure to leave your comments, rate us o