
Motherhood: Love Your Kids



Happy Monday and Happy GrUBday fam! The newest GrUBcast is up and features another special guest, Marissa Igwe, talking about her journey as a new mother and what it took to get her to where she is today. As a young mother, there are countless struggles that present themselves everyday and as a young mother-to-be there are often many events that are rarely discussed, like the process of telling your family, or getting your affairs in order, or even what sacrifices you have to make for the happiness of your child. On today's episode Marissa discusses all of that and more as we go into the story of what it was like preparing for her now 1-year-old daughter's entrance into the world. Also with Mother's Day being around the corner, I think we should all be reflective on our lives and give thanks to the women that got us to where we are today. Now, this is a bit of a part 2 to an earlier GrUBcast called Fatherhood: The Importance of Just Being There, which I did with Marissa's husband-to-be, Anthony Berrios. So if