
Black Male Identity: Defining Who You Are



The first official GrUBcast of SZN 2 is finally up! Today’s episode features my brother Jonathan McRae and we discuss the struggles one faces when trying to define themselves as a black man. Growing Up, I always remembered hearing things like "You speak so white" or "You dress like a white boy" and I never really understood why people associated certain positive traits with whiteness. Today I interviewed soon to be school psychologist Jonathan McRae who talked about his struggle in defining who he is as a black man, navigating different spaces, and just trying to enjoy life while being true to himself. Be sure to leave your comments, rate us on iTunes and continue to share the cast on all of your social media networks! That’s how the GrUB fam continues to grow and you never know who might benefit from hearing someone else’s story. With that said ya’, have an incredible week, much love, and as always, keep eating.