
Dexter McKinney: The Relentless Pursuit of a Dream



The last episode of the GrUBcast Season 2 is up!   Today’s episode features a new friend of mine, up and coming actor Dexter McKinney, and we discuss how he has built his identity, navigated his environment and constantly manages to overcome adversity in his journey both as an actor and as a person.    Most of us don't grow up in environments that were made to facilitate our dreams. More often than not you have to struggle, push, and force those dreams into becoming reality, moving past circumstance to manifest ideas.On today's episode, Dexter and I talk aboutgrowing up in rough neighborhoods in Syracuse, the sacrifices he's made to make his relationship work, and the struggles and successes he faces as he continues to pursue his dream. It's a very vivid episode this time around and when Dexter speaks, it's as if you can “see” his story. I say this all the time, but this is most definitely another great listen.    Be sure to leave your comments, rate us on iTunes and continue to share the cast on all of your