
Soundbites Ep. 14: Show Love



Happy Sunday GrUBfam! We’ve got another segment of Soundbites for season 3 and tonight I want to remind you all to show someone in your inner circle some love.    Every month I'll talk about a topic that’s been running through my head, I'll discuss a couple of the top news stories of the month, and then I'll close it out with your monthly dose of positivity.    We all have many people out there that inspire us. And not just celebrities. Maybe it’s an old neighbor, a friend from college, your parents, whoever. And for whatever reason, even though we live in the most communicative and accessible era of all time, we tend to appreciate in silence. More often than not we don’t reach out to those people just to say “yo, you’re dope” or “that piece really touched me” or “that thing you did inspired me to do xyz” etc, etc. And why not? What’s stopping us from showing appreciation to the people in our inner circle who deserve it? Today I’d like to encourage you to remove all hesitation and go ahead and show love. You