
Business Analysis and GDPR with Ian Gotts Wizardcast Episode 71



Are you familiar with Business Analysis (BA)? Do you understand the importance and underlying principles? What about Europe's new regulation, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)? Are you impacted? Is your Salesforce environment prepared? Listen as we talk with Ian Gotts, founder and CEO of elements.cloud discuss the importance of Business Analysis and the impacts of GDPR.   Show Overview 00:00 Last Time on WizardCast 01:29 Introduction 02:45 The Joke 03:30 Sponsor/Affiliate mention - Get 1 month free of Libsyn podcast hosting with promo code: podmagic 4:00 Introducing special guest: Ian Gotts 05:12 What is GDPR and what would the US called its version? 06:00 What is Business Analysis aka BA 09:48 Understand the principles of doing Business Analysis 11:10 Story Time: Why it's important to write it down 15:00 How to respond to the can we "Just" do that requests 17:00 Difference between triage and prioritizing 22:40 How to convince your boss doing Business Analysis is worth the time 25:00 Practice your