Products Of The Mind: A Conversation About The Intersection Of Business + Creativity

Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary on Music, Activism, and Puff the Magic Dragon



Welcome to Episode 21 of Products of the Mind. On this episode, I speak with musician and activist Peter Yarrow. “I wasn’t about being the center of attention that was so exciting and rewarding. There was a magic going on in the village at the time…This was a crucible of change where in the air was this spirit that something dramatically was changing. Something was going to happen in the world to challenge all the points of view with which we had been handed society’s rules… The sixties was a search for authenticity.” Today we speak with Peter Yarrow, musician, activist, and member of Peter Paul and Mary. It’s always fascinating to learn about how musicians and artists get inspired, and Peter’s story does not miss the mark. Peter takes us back to his childhood as a Jewish New Yorker and the strong cultural influence his mother had on him. From not having money for new clothes, but always having money for arts and culture, Peter takes us back to his first instrument…the recorder, and how his love of folk music