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Tell Me a Little About You... | Ep #42



Communicators are often much better at talking about their company, their team or their products, rather than talking about themselves. But when asked that seemingly simple question, "What do you do?" or "Tell me a little about yourself," so many of us get stuck with where to begin. In this episode, Angee talks about how to position yourself in a way that describes who you are, and what you do, with a tone that conveys why you love what you do. When people hear that enthusiasm with HOW you describe yourself and the work you do, they tend to assume that you like what you do. And... if you like what you do, you are likely good at it! Rather than relying on a dry or dull "elevator pitch," think about how you are positioning yourself to the listener. Frame your description in a way that makes the person you're talking to want to learn more, and a worthwhile conversation is sure to be the result. Visit: for show notes and available downloads. © 2020 Angee Linsey