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Avoid Career Derailers | Ep #54



Career derailers can be caused by attitude or action. In her book, Dare to be Deliberate: Level Up Your Communications Career, Angee asked the communications executive leaders she interviewed about some career derailers they have witnessed among those rising in the ranks. All of their comments are relevant today, and in this podcast short, Angee adds a few items to fit the unprecedented times we find ourselves in. How accessible are you now that you're working from home? The problem often is not that you aren't available enough - but rather TOO available. There's word on the street that we are not working from home, we're living at work! Boundaries are important, even when it's hard. HOW are you showing up for work? We've all gotten pretty casual, but it's important to retain a level of professionalism, even if only on a video call. These impressions will last far beyond our work from home requirements. And finally, have you updated your career goals as the business needs have changed? Don't wait for your end