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That One Small Thing | Ep #65



While celebrating 2020 being in our rear view mirror, our optimism may be clouded by simply being exhausted. Instead of tackling a list of big New Year's resolutions, Angee suggests picking one small thing to do each day that will help you dare to be deliberate in your career or job search. One small thing can be really small - update your LinkedIn profile picture, spend five minutes on social media and actually connect with someone you haven't spoken to in awhile. Like, really connect. Send a personal note just saying hello. Revisit your values and vision (use this worksheet to help). Angee shares a few ideas to get you started. By doing one small thing every day, you're making room for the big things that help you achieve whatever it is you're looking to do. What small thing will you do today? Visit for show notes and other available downloads. © 2021 Angee Linsey