

Hello, it’s Debbie De Grote and welcome to Debbie's Daily Tips. We're getting ready for the year ahead so that we will be in great shape and ready to roll on January 2nd. One of the things I encourage you to do is to really sit down and work on your schedule. Set a starting and ending time each day, select a day off, and also time block for your prospecting, your lead follow-up, and your other critical activities. If you look at this now, that will give you a chance to keep a time log as you're getting ready for the New Year. At the end of each day, I want you to label each hour of the day. Was that an income producing hour, something directly related to listing or selling? Was it prospecting? Were you out on appointments and negotiating contracts? Or was it an income servicing hour? This could be meetings and inspections, or getting documents signed with an appraiser. Or lastly, was it just stuff? IP is income producing, IS is income servicing, or just S for stuff. Meaning, I don't know what I was doing, but