Smb Community Podcast By Karl W. Palachuk

Freeday Friday Oceanic Edition – Selling When You’re Not a Salesman



This article was originally posted April 19, 2012 on Cloud Services Roundtable. Freeday Friday Podcast Posted – Oceanic Edition   This program was recorded and is posted here.   How Do I sell if I’m Not a Salesman? We had a quick show today (35 minutes). Just a few questions. The kickoff question was, “How do I upsell clients when I don’t want to be the salesman?” I give a little advice and encouragement. and we answer a question from a live listener as well. If you would like your question to be the start-off question, just send an email Please put Freeday Friday in the subject line. Freeday Friday is a new program to give you access to some coaching advice in a totally new format. See details at Basically, I am offering free coaching advice to a very few people – live and free. The “price” for free advice is that other people get to listen in. The idea is that we all share some common challenges, so we might be able to learn from each other and address