Smb Community Podcast By Karl W. Palachuk

Freeday Friday Report: Three Conferences in Eight Days



This article was originally posted June 16, 2012 on Cloud Services Roundtable. Freeday Friday Report: Three Conferences in Eight Days This is a very different Freeday Friday podcast . . . and the last one we’ll produce. – – – – – My report on IT Pro Conference in New Orleans. “Trusted Identity” and what it means in the big picture. A few comments on delegation of trust and what that means to our clients. My recommendations based on the topics from this conference. I talk a bit about the kinds of white papers and “lunch and learn” seminars you might create on cloud computing, modern security concerns, BYOD, and mixed (Windows/Non-Windows) environments. Then I talk about the Autotask conference and their expansion into international markets. After that I went to TechEd North America and the “Birds of a Feather” sessions I moderated there. In addition to the community activities at TechEd, I report on a cool new laptop and a bit about Server 2012. My presentation on Relax Focus Succeed and work/life balance w