Smb Community Podcast By Karl W. Palachuk

Jessica DeVita – Mentoring Women in IT



Report from SMB Nation Fall 2012. I caught up with Jessica DeVita – one of my favorite people in the IT space. Jessica is an IT consultant, technical wiz, advocate for education in the IT community, Microsoft MVP and a really great person. Her web site is Recently, Jessica was on the cover of ChannelPro magazine and had an article in there about Women in IT. We talked to her about that and the work she’s doing to educate women (and men) on IT as field. Check out the magazine at Recently Jessica has been on several panels recently discussion IT as a career choice and on mentoring young women. She will be speaking on November 7th at Santa Monica College for a program called Cool Careers. As a side note, I asked Jessica how she came up with the name Uber Geek Girl. Download the Interview with Jessica DeVita here. This is not my first interview with Jessica. Check out the earlier podcasts at SMB Community Podcast.