Smb Community Podcast By Karl W. Palachuk

Arnie Bellini Says ConnectWise Goes Way Beyond PSA



ConnectWise Goes Way Beyond PSA I had a chance to sit down with Arnie and David Bellini near the end of IT Nation and get some insights into what they’re doing and where the company is going. Arnie Bellini is the CEO of ConnectWise and David is the COO. Arnie Bellini, Karl Palachuk, David Bellini As Arnie describes ConnectWise, their mission is to help you run your business better by bringing all of your “Silos of Chaos” into a common interface. Now, in addition to the features built into ConnectWise, they are building strong alliances with other products in order to take integration to a higher level. Two of the coolest things I saw at the keynote were the “Marketplace” and the “Partner Kits.” You can check out the Marketplace at They list all of their all integration partners – about 400 in all. The Partner kits are available at and include quick-start kits for sales, helpdesk, human resources, and more. Arnie is justifiably proud of their